Oyster is nominated for a Webby Award, and needs your help!

See recent posts by Jennifer Garfinkel

Oyster Hotel Reviews has been nominated for a Webby Award!
Oyster Hotel Reviews has been nominated for a Webby Award!

We found out on Wednesday that we were nominated for a Webby Award in the travel category, and we need your help to blow our competition out of the water!

We are very excited (and honored!) to be nominated for a Webby, less than one year after launching our site. The Webby Awards, now in its 14th year, recognizes excellent websites in a slew of categories and is one of the most prestigious honors a website can achieve.

There are two distinctions in each category: the actual Webby Award (chosen by an insider academy) and The People’s Voice Award – which is where you come in. We’re asking our lovely fans to take five minutes out of their busy days to vote for us in return for our eternal gratitude.

So if you love us, here’s how to vote:

1) Go to this page to register your email address (click the red box that says “Register to Cast Your Vote”).
2) Look for a confirmation email and click the link to confirm (note: this email may wind up in your junk folder). You’re ready to vote!
3) Go to this page and scroll down to the Services section. Click on “Travel” and vote for Oyster Hotel Reviews. You’re done!
4) Feel good about yourself for helping us out!

All products are independently selected by our writers and editors. If you buy something through our links, Oyster may earn an affiliate commission.