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The “Oyscars”: The best hotels in Los Angeles

We came, we saw, we slept there. And we’ve rounded up our findings into a sort of Oscars of LA hotels — the “Oyscars,” if you will — to make it easy to find the best hotel to suit your needs. Whether you’re seeking a party hotel or a place where you can maintain your…

The best hotel spas in Hawaii

Halloween is over, and while you’re busying yourself at home in your bathroom mirror trying to scrub off the remnants of the weekend — teeny blots of facepaint that escaped your preliminary skin-cleansing, rogue flecks of glitter — perhaps you’re thinking about how much you need a vacation before the holidays sweep you away in…

Where to Get Naked in Miami: The 5 Best Hotels for Tanning Topless

It wasn’t too long ago that the Standard Hotel in New York City threw some naked people in front of their giant windows and ignited a firestorm of silly newspaper stories about a “Manhattan Sex Hotel” (a title, by the way, that would be more appropriately given to other establishments) — but if nakey-time is…