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Hotels in Bathsheba
1 Hotels
Atlantis Historic Inn
Tent Bay, St. Joseph

If the name “Atlantis” conjures images of the Bahamas’ megaresort, think again. The Atlantis Hotel in Barbados -- a historic property from the 1800s with only eight rooms -- is the polar opposite. (There's also a pair of two-bedroom apartments in a separate building.) The upper-middle-range boutique hotel re-opened in 2009 with elegantly decorated, cottage-like rooms with canopy beds, custom wood furniture and modern amenities -- with a fitting nautical theme. Located on the remote and rocky east coast, its beach is more suitable for surfing than swimming, and a car is recommended to get around the island. The Atlantis (indoor/outdoor) restaurant is popular with locals, and its top-notch varied cuisine comes with outstanding views. Travelers seeking balconies with Atlantic views could try Santosha.