Articles Mentioning Baja California Hotels

When to Go to Mexico and What to Do While You’re There

Throw a dart at a calendar and you’ll likely find a pleasant time to visit Mexico, a country that’s three times the size of Texas. Unlike some other vacation destinations, Mexico, which features a varied terrain and is divided by the Tropic of Cancer, doesn’t have four, clear-cut seasons. Instead, its seasons are differentiated by…

After the Disaster: How These Popular Tourist Destinations Are Faring

On August 24, 2016, a magnitude-6.2 earthquake hit central Italy, leaving nearly 300 people dead and many more still missing. The quake, which took place 60 miles north of Rome, severely impacted towns like Amatrice, Accumoli, Arquata del Tronto, and Pescara del Tronto. This month, Louisiana also experienced floods that damaged more than 60,000 homes…

9 Hotels Around the World You Need to Know About Right Now

The hotel industry is constantly expanding. And therefore, our hotel coverage on is always growing to include new hotels that have just opened, iconic hotels that have been renovated to their original grandeur, and hotels in exotic, far-off destinations that we’ve just touched down in. Every week, dozens of hotels — with hundreds of…

7 Gorgeous Beaches Where You Shouldn’t Swim

Los Cabos beach The ocean: It conjures up images of soaking up the sun, working up a sweat, and then splashing in the cool surf, bringing the body back to life once more. However, there are some oceanside destinations on the globe where swimming ranges from utterly unpleasant — to downright dangerous. The seven beaches…

Which Destinations in Mexico Are the Safest?

Mexico has been getting a bad rap. Yes, some areas are dangerous. But more than a few cities are not only beautiful vacation spots, but perfectly safe as well. Mexico has plenty going for it for U.S. tourists, from easy flights to bargain prices to cultural standouts. First off, it’s important to know the difference…

6 Amazing Destinations in Mexico Not Overrun by Tourists

If an ideal getaway to Mexico means speaking English 24/7 and meeting dozens of other travelers, head to Cancun or Cabo; but if a trip there isn’t complete without relying on your high school-level Spanish or chatting with locals about the city, you’re in luck. Though many of the vacation-worthy destinations in Mexico are bound…

The Rise of Spiritual Tourism: 8 Must-Try Experiences

Books like “Eat, Pray Love” and “Wild” may have set off a boom in self-discovery travel, but more and more places are providing full on spiritual immersion travel options. With such limited time off from our busy lives, travelers are seeking to make the most of their vacations by testing out one-of-a-kind healing and restorative…

5 Healthy Spring Break Getaways That Will Change Your Life

Spring break is all about booze, late nights, and partying…right? Well, maybe when you were in college. Now, any chance many get to have some much-needed time off, the last thing they want to do is spend it with a raging hangover. That’s why an impressive handful spring break destinations are offering healthy options to…

The 12 Hot New Hotels That Should Be On Your Radar

There’s a concrete-and-glass structure in Iceland’s foothills that travelers happily traverse snow and ice in a 4×4 to reach. South Beach has welcomed two new too-cool-for-school properties, and a sexy boutique hotel now sits on the top floors of a Tokyo skyscraper. You can actually book a hostel stay and feel good about it, thanks…