Latest Articles on Nature

11 of the Most Surreal Landscapes on Earth

With the exceptional CGI technology available today, humans don’t have to imagine alien worlds—they exist as digital creations in countless movies. But as it turns out, travelers don’t need to leave the planet in order to see a real-life ethereal landscape. There are places across Earth that truly look like they belong in another galaxy.…

11 Awesome Day Hikes in the Caribbean

Many Caribbean visitors could be perfectly content spending their entire trip guzzling pineapple rum cocktails and gazing at that unbroken turquoise ocean line for hours on end — and that’s fine. But the slightly more adventurous among us look for much more from a Caribbean getaway than just lying horizontally on a beach chair. Good…

6 Amazing Caves You Can Visit Around the World

The earth has many beautiful wonders on its surface, but a surreal landscape lies below in caves. Humans have been exploring the earth’s pockets for millennia, and there are still many of the marvels waiting to be discovered. Here, we’ve picked six incredible caves that you can visit on your next trip. Now, we don’t…

11 Incredibly Scenic National Parks in Canada

Though there’s more than 3.8 million square miles of land in Canada, the majority of its citizens live near its southern border, which means there’s plenty of pristine nature. The country is home to 47 national parks and reserves, each with its own series of attractions that will lure all types of adventurers. Whether you’re…

7 Manmade and Natural Attractions to Visit Before They Vanish

We love travel and adventure, but being a globally-minded citizen means recognizing when the things we love are disappearing. From grand glaciers in Montana to penguins on the Galapagos Islands, some of the world’s treasures may not be here past our lifetime thanks to climate change and other factors. We can do our part to…

The Most Spectacular Canyons Around the U.S.

From sea to shining sea, there’s no shortage of spectacular sights to see. In addition to beautiful beaches, lush national parks, and epic waterfalls, the U.S. also boasts an incredible array of canyons. In technical terms, a canyon is a deep gorge that typically has a river flowing between it. In terms of wanderlust, a…

Top-Hotels für Naturliebhaber in Deutschland und Umgebung

Aktivurlauber und Naturliebhaber finden in diesen Hotels eine Unterkunft, die nicht nur exzellent gelegen ist, so dass die schönsten Ausflugsziele bequem zu erreichen sind, sondern auch ein Zuhause, das über alle Annehmlichkeiten verfügt, die man sich wünscht. Nach ausgiebigen, vielseitigen Ausflügen, sportlichen Unternehmungen oder auch abwechslungsreichen Wanderungen kann man sich hier verwöhnen lassen und sich…

8 Awesome Urban Parks Around the World

People are drawn to big cities for their never-ending assortment of things to do. There’s always a new restaurant to check out, neighborhood to explore, or show to see. But sometimes, it’s nice to simply kick back and relax in the heart of a city while being surrounded by nature. For all those times, we’ve…

The World’s Coolest Underground Attractions

When you think of “underground” attractions, spots that are hip and under-the-radar probably come to mind first. Well, allow us to change your train of thought for a moment with some mind-blowing sites that are, quite literally, under the surface. Spanning the globe, some of these clandestine spaces are manmade while others have naturally formed…

A Complete Guide to Volcanoes in Hawaii

Photo courtesy of Flickr/U.S. Geological Survey Nothing humbles us more than a spectacular performance by Mother Nature. Case-in-point: earlier this month, the Pu’u O’o crater on the Kilauea volcano formed a smiley face out of lava. Paradise Helicopters captured the image over the Big Island of Hawaii, where the volcano has been active for 33…