Articles Mentioning Portugal Hotels

10 Things That Might Happen When You Stay at a Gay Hotel

I don’t drink any more, so I find that when I’m at parties this time of year, the best way to fit in is to trade in sensationalism. Without fail, some of the things I’ve seen and done in hotels — in gay hotels in particular — do a fine job. Of course, this isn’t…

The Top Travel Destinations for 2017

It’s that time of the year again — when the 2017 travel lists start pouring out and travel sites and experts make their bets on the top destinations for the upcoming year. While sites like TripAdvisor pick contenders based on identifiable trends from bookings in their system or directly through their users, Lonely Planet‘s managing…

8 of the Most Adorable Streets in Europe

If you’re keen on upping the cuteness quota on your next vacation, look no further than the quaint, adorable streets of Europe. Crammed with ancient boulevards, famous thoroughfares, and evocative avenues, Europe and its city streets are rife for exploring. And they’re more than just a pretty face, too. These streets offer plenty of places…

Portugal vs. Spain: Which One Is Right for You?

At first glance, Spain and Portugal seem like two peas from the same pod. Both countries share space on the Iberian Peninsula, exude an old European feel, and are known for their tasty cuisine, which features many of the same core ingredients. We love Portugal for its charm — something you can still find in…

The One Bookstore You Have to Visit in These 8 Cities

Photo courtesy of Celine via Flickr Whether you prefer pop culture-focused titles like “Gone Girl” or you’re a deep-thinking Dostoevsky fan, there’s nothing better than losing yourself in a bookstore. The unmistakable smell of books, the serene ambiance of hushed concentration, and the welcome escape of analogue culture in a digital age continue to make…

6 Insider Secrets Every Visitor to Lisbon Needs to Know

Praca da Figueira image courtesy Kyle Valenta It’s hard to argue with pretty, making it almost impossible to find a thing to fight about when it comes to Lisbon. The hilly Portuguese capital has been enchanting artists, authors, and travelers for centuries, and is seeing a major resurgence in interest. According to Lisbon’s government, the…

5 Top-Reiseziele für Solo-Travelers

Immer mehr reisefreudige Menschen entscheiden sich seit geraumer Zeit, dass sie sich alleine auf den Weg in ein Reiseabenteuer machen möchten. Warum das Solo – Reisen immer beliebter wird liegt auf der Hand: Als Alleinreisender kannst du dich frei entscheiden, wohin die Reise gehen soll, du bist unabhängig, kannst spontan deinen individuellen Stimmungen folgen und…

The World’s Top Travel Destinations for Single People

For travelers looking to make a connection (love or otherwise), it helps to go where the odds are good. To help, we sorted through statistics from the Singles Atlas, CityLab, and more to find cities with the best ratios of men to women (or vice versa) as we well the biggest population of singles in…

How Halloween Is Celebrated Around the World Might Surprise You

Like most Western holidays, Halloween’s origins date to pre-Christian traditions; in this case, the holiday developed out of the Celtic festival of Samhain. Despite its ancient Irish roots, though, Halloween is considered a new American holiday by much of the world — and it is the U.S. that lent the holiday its more modern, recognizable…

10 Spa Escapes in Europe

Visiting Europe is often composed of a whirlwind tour, during which visitors hurry from one tourist destination to another. Therefore — in between trips to museums and monuments — finding the time to breathe can be surprisingly difficult. To help speed along to the moment where you actually find relaxation — you’re on vacation, after…